Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Feeling Lazy

Today is one of those days when I just don't feel like writing. I have some corporate Web copy to write and just don't feel like taking it on at all.

So, I have been surfing through other writer blogs and came upon the following on The Renegade Writer. He writes:

Remember the Rule of Three. On those days when you have zero motivation, pick three tasks on your to-do list, preferably important things, do them, then allow yourself to take the rest of the day off. I find this hack immensely helpful on the days following a vacation or illness. It’s probably not a great hack to use every day, but if you’re in a deep rut, it gets you moving.

Hmmm... I stop to ponder. This seems doable, though I'm not coming off of vacation, nor am I ill. Do these three things need to pertain to writing ?

I've re-read the paragraph and decided that since it does not specify, I will interpret that the three tasks can relate to writing, but do not necessarily need to be writing assignments.

As a result, today I've :

1) Pinged my editor to see what he wants written for the next issue with some ideas of my own of course.
2) Written four thank you cards (this is sort of writing... no?)
3) Finished a blog entry

Signing off for the day...

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